Historic Houses

Restoration and conversion of medieval tower house and conversion from monastery into a private residence, involving fabric repairs, floor strengthening and replacement of building services. Works also included repairs to landscape retaining walls and various outbuildings and cottages on the Estate.

Generational repairs to former conventual buildings, including original C15 timber scissor-braced truss roof, in close consultation with Historic Scotland, for owners. The historic roof trusses were repaired with modern timber of dimensions to match the historic timbers with mortice and tenon pegged joints to respect the original configuration. Where it was not possible to insert whole lengths of new timbers without dismantling the roof, new timbers were spliced to allow them to be offered into the original mortices.

Structural repairs to Baronial mansion designed by David Bryce in 1865 formerly used as a school, and converted back to a private residence, after a decade of vacancy.

Structural repairs to Scots Baronial mansion designed by David Bryce in 1856, including extensive roof repairs for new owners. The 6-month contract was undertaken below a scaffolding tent during winter months, and was completed under budget and within progamme.

Structural repairs to private C12 towerhouse, including floor strengthening and finding service routes above exquisite plaster ceilings for central heating. Also repairs to roof and exterior to ensure that the building is fit for the next century.